The Zone





TeamSeasonPlaysEPA/PlayEPA/PassEPA/RushPass YardsComp %Pass TDRush YardsRush TDPROEADoTYACYAC EPA/AttSack %Scramble %INT %

ADoT: The average depth of target

Air EPA/Att: The EPA in the air from each pass

Comp %: The total completions on the season

Eckel %: The number of drives that end with a touchdown or have a first down snap within the 40 yard line divided by the number of total drives 

EPA/Rush: Their expected points added per rush

EPA/Pass: Their expected points added per pass

EPA/Play: Their expected points added per play

INT %: Total interceptions / total pass attempts

Pass TD: Total passing touchdowns on the season

Pass Yards: Total passing yards on the season

PROE: The pass rate minus their expected pass rate

Rush TD’s: Total rush touchdowns on the season

Rush Yards: Total rushing yards on the season

Sack %: The amount of sacks divided by the amount of dropbacks

Scramble %: The amount of scrambles divided by the amount of dropbacks

Team: The team

YAC: The yards after the catch on the season