Name | Team | Season | Routes Run | Receptions | Rec. Yards | Touchdowns | YAC | Catch % | Total EPA | Targets/Route Run | Expected YPRR | YPRR | Adjusted YPRR |
Adjusted YPRR: Yards Per Route Run (YPRR) – Expected YPRR + League Average
Catch %: The amount of catches per targets for a pass catcher
Expected YPRR: Expected yards per route run determined by a linear mixed effects model using offensive personnel, down and distance
Name: The name of the player
Rec. Yards: The total amount of receiving yards for a pass catcher
Receptions: The total amount of caught passes
Routes Run: The total amount of pass plays a wide receiver was on the field for
Targets/Route Run: The amount of targets divided by the amount of routes run
Team: The team that the player played for at the end of the season
Total EPA: The total amount of Expected Points Added (EPA) from targets
Touchdowns: The total amount of receiving touchdowns for a pass catcher
YAC: The amount of yards a pass catcher accumulated after the catch
YPRR: The total yards divided by the total routes run